Saturday, April 19, 2008

Darcey & Robert's Wedding

Darcey and Robert are married!!!! I worked double time at Darcey and Robert's wedding this past weekend in an effort (just as we always do) to give them the very best photography and video for their wedding. The only difference this time is that Bridget wasn't at my side to help. Bridget was in the wedding serving as Darcey's matron of honor which meant not only was I to perform the duties of two photographers I always was to shoot their wedding video as well. I'm sure it was comical to see me running around like a turkey with his head cut off with not only a huge digital SLR camera on one shoulder but a huge digital Sony HD video camera on the other. :)

I have known Darcey now for almost three years and that doesn't even seem possible, it feels as if she has always been a part of my life. For those of you who do not know Darcey, Darcey is Bridget's best friend and was Bridget's maid of honor in our wedding last year. Of course it was only fitting that Bridget be Darcey's matron of honor this Saturday. Darcey and Robert met just a year ago, but its clear that they are destined to spend their lives together forever, though the road may be rocky we know you guys will be forever happy with one another. Darcey and Robert are both very unique people. 

Darcey, there are few people in this world that understand you, but somehow you found Bridget, and she understands you completely. Those of you that know Darcey and understand her for who she is knows that she is hysterical and always has some whitty thing to say. Darcey and Bridget met each other back in high school over 10 years ago. Little did Bridget know back then that that little flaming red head would turn out to be her best friend. I met Darcey just three years ago when Bridget and I first started dating. I loved Darcey from the start and loved hanging out with the both so much. In fact the first time that Bridget and I hung out with each other, Darcey was there. :) 

Robert, what can we say about Robert. I truly have never met someone like Robert. Robert is "one crazy little man." Robert is opinionated and somehow know a little something about everything, but that just makes Robert, well... Robert. I have enjoyed getting to know Robert this past year and I look forward to all of us growing old together and hanging out with each other on Sunday afternoons. 

We love you guys so much! Congratulations! We hope you enjoy your photography and video! :)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Grand Opening Coming Soon

Things are moving right along for our official "Grand Opening" on April 28th. Though we are officially open for business with our new studio space in Old Town Spring we decided to push back our grand opening until April 28th. Why April 28th? This date coincides with Bridget becoming a full-time employee of 4 Leaf Photography and the 28th happens to be the date anniversary of us dating (2 years and seven months to be exact). Those of you that don't already know; I'm privledged to call Mrs. Bridget my wife. She has worked at Baker Hughes for almost six years, and after many years of debating has finally decided to hang up her Baker hat for the position right along side me at our studio. This Friday (tomorrow) the 11th will be her official last day as a Baker Hughes employee. It was a good long run babe, I'm proud of you for sticking with Baker this long.

Its always been our goal for us to work together. We simply never saw it coming this quickly. Though we have prayed and looked forward to it for a couple of years now, it almost seems surreal that the time has come. Bridget will first take a few weeks of much needed time off before she assumes her position at the studio. We know things will run much more smoothly with her and I in command (I need some help). We both work really well together and this only means good things for our current and future 4 Leaf customers.

To start off the grand opening we will be offering a special "Grand Opening Promotion." 
- ONE FREE 30 minute portrait session with the purchase of (2) 8x10 portrait units ($30)
 - Limited to weekday portrait sittings
- Up to 4 subjects, unlimited photographic images, poses and candids
- Promotion valid through the month of May

Call soon to book your session, slots will book up quickly. This sitting is perfect for a short senior session, simple modeling or corporate head shots, expectant mom's wishing to get a few maternity photos, families, babies... you get the picture, this offer is open to any type of studio portraiture. Please call for details and to book your session soon.