Friday, October 10, 2008

Helping others...

Today was a special day. I spent some time today helping a dear friend with her buiness. I met Janice this past February while working together at Shlane & Mike's wedding. At the reception we got to talking about our buinesses and the topic of our faith was brought up. There was something special about Janice, I saw that immediately. She was so glowing with a zest for life. I'm often guilty of getting down on myself and not letting the light of God shine through me. Janice, as am I, is a Christian. She lives everyday, allowing Jesus to be the central focus point and her inspiration.

Today I visited with Janice and helped her with the marketing of her business, Flowers by Janice. We shared stories, we reminised over old photographs and I shot photography and video of her and her business activities. I will be designing her a new Flash web site to showcase her true passion beautifully. Her web site will include a personalized opening video and beautiful photographs of her truly amazing floral designs. Thank you Janice for allowing me to help you and thank you for sharing our name and services with all your friends and brides.