Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to ME

Everyday should be a birthday! This morning it was hard to believe it was time to celebrate another. And like the days and years that go by, now the birthday-day has ended. This past year has been good and brought a lot of surprises. I have no doubt this next year will bring even more excitement as I become a dad. Its hard to picture that the next time I celebrate my birthday I will be holding a six month old on my lap. This past year was a complete blur and I fear this next one will be much the same. As young kids we wish for the day that we are "all grown up" to do with our life as we please. Little do we know then is that we truly have no control. God is in control of all the many details that shape who we are. We simply roll with the punches, those day-to-day confrontations against our sin nature that we call life. Its up to us to make the best out of the days that we are given to live here in the ever changing world. I look forward to each and every day that I am given. I have yet to become a father, but I can only imagine how that experience will rock my world and from that point forward change how I view life. I'm looking forward to this next year just as I look forward to each new sunrise. We all struggle to some degree to get out of bed in the morning. Though after fighting off the urge to live a life of slumber and to never step foot on the floor, once we have risen we find our life and our passion to live out our day.

Our Lord is a masterful creator. He gives us the ability to open our eyes each and every morning with the capacity to retaliate from and to return fire on the world that battles against us. Birthdays give us renewed hope and thanksgiving. I am truly thankful that I am here to witness to others that God is great. Life is precious and we should daily view life the way that you do on your birthday. Birthdays are happy occasions. We are celebrating life. We should do the same each new day that we are given life to step out of bed and make this world a better place. Renew your hope in this world tomorrow when you arise and thank the Lord for creating you and you giving life and say, "happy birthday to ME."

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