Friday, February 6, 2009

How sad...

How sad is it that it has been almost 3 months since we last posted a blog entry. I can remember back over 3 years ago when we started keeping a blog and we blogged about almost everything. I guess the burdens and tasks of everyday work gets in the way and we eventually stop doing the things that we once loved. I have always kept a journal. I was made fun of for years (especially by my brother) for writing out everything I did. For example, we took a vacation to Washington D.C. when I was ten years old. Can you imagine seeing a little nerdy boy visiting every historical landmark with a tape recorder in one hand, a bright yellow notepad and pen in the other and a camera hanging from his neck? That was me. Today its common to see people walking around looking as if they are talking to themselves. Of course we know, or assume they are talking on the phone through the almost invisible bluetooth device hanging from their ear. Back little over 21 years ago I'm sure it looked odd to see a little boy walking and talking to himself into a taperecorder.

I've always thought it was trivial that people are willing to share so much of their personal lives via a web-log or as we know them today, a blog. But the crazy thing is that people follow these sometimes pointless glimpses into an everyday person's life. I for one only follow a few blogs, though there are many of you who follow 10 or more on a daily basis. Maybe I just don't have the time or don't have that many varying interests.

I've told Bridget, "we don't lead a very exciting life so why would anyone want to read our blog," or more appropriately, "what would I have to write about in the first place?" So, take that as the reason why we haven't written much since we started this blog. We're just not that interesting! :) Though, we'll leave that for you to find out for yourselves as you continue to visit us here. Sorry to those of you who have followed us, only to come here and find... well, nothing. Those of you coming over from our old Xanga blog, welcome. This will be our permanent home. We hope you continue to come back as I'm sure our lives will gradually get more exciting as these next 6 months of pregnancy progress into parenthood.

God Bless and see you back here soon!

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