Saturday, August 2, 2008

Two Years Ago Today...

I have to say I don't find anything sexier than a man wearing his wedding band. Especially, when its my husband. For me it shows love and commitment and that he is not ashamed to show that in public.

Today is the two year anniversary of the day that Kris proposed to me. I cannot believe it has been that long. Okay a LOT has happened in the last two years so when I think back to that singular event it does seem like a long time ago. Its so funny because leading up to our engagement I decided that we should document that time via a video journal. Well we finally got around to watching it today. I know it's been two years, but you get busy and when your life's work is documenting other peoples memories you don't always have time to go back and look at the ones you captured for yourself. It was so much fun to watch that journal. I think it covered about a two week period leading up to the day of the proposal. It shows me about to loose my mind waiting for Kris to pop the question and it shows Kris talking about buying the ring and planning the proposal. I really could not have asked for a more perfect proposal and I am happy that Kris thought out how he was going to do it rather than rush into it. He knew us having a special story was important to the both of us.

      THEN            AND         NOW
I am so happy that Kris and I celebrated our One Year Wedding Anniversary this past March. I look forward to many many more years together.

Today is also Nik, Kris' brothers, birthday. Happy Birthday Nik!!

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